Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Watching Some Second Liners in Property (very short comments)

I was rearing to add in FLI last Monday, but the apparent downward channel since mid last year is scary. Im just holding same position. If this breaches 1.50 though, it will break the downtrend. This is the time when I will add.

There appears to be some accumulation happening in ELI. And although the stock is sideways the past weeks, the sell side is thinning. Against million waiting on buy, there are only a few thousands in sell. I place some small position myself at 0.92. This will only be for small play. Im forcing myself not to bet too much on lightly-traded issues untill there is a clear overall-PSEi uptrend.

CPG is remarkable for still not announcing an ex-date for its stock divs that was announced almost a year ago. What kind of game the Antonios are playing here? Are the details of the agreement with Okada (in terms of equities) still not complete? If I enter CPG, as usual, I'll be preparing to exit in inside 2 weeks (win or lose).Robbie the pogi is just not a long-term manager for me to be with.

ROCK--Ive been avoiding Lopez stocks carte blanche since November.

VLL--re-entered at 5.1 partly to release some cash (gained from MEG). Will add and add even if it goes down to 4.5. Basura swimmer Manny is supposed to be fully focused in managing VLL at this time. He should make some headway leaps this year with his company.

GERI--The original previously-nearing-bankrupt owners, Fil-Estate, is still continuously disposing shares, and they have more to unload. Any positive sentiment toward this company will just be impeded every time Fil-estate sells. Dear Dr. Andrew Tan, why not just make a private deal with them to buy all in bulk so you can have GERI in its own potential?
I'll stay away from GERI until I see a significant slow down of "Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership of Securities" disclosures from Fil-Estate.

GTCAP-- has some minor land stakes. This is always a buy for me at a price near 700. Im still holding some amount at small positive.

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